
Give us this day, Lord,
Not the miracles our human hearts long for,
Not the proud but brief satisfaction of saying to doubters,
"I told you so!"
But give us daily bread--only that which You see will truly nourish us in our pilgrimage towards home.

This prayer is from Elizabeth Elliot's book - Lamp For My Feet. It sums up my hearts struggle these past few days.

Thank you, Father, for this refreshing prayer and new perspective!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl...I am praying for you today. I just saw this update, but I've been thinking about you all week! Love ya!

circus of love said...

I come here everyday to check just to see if maybe you have posted knowing you have so many more important things to do. But it reminds me to pray for you and your crew. So I will just keep checking with absolutely no pressure at all on you to update but just for you to know that I am praying for you all!!!!!!!

Heidi said...

I got your comment/question over on my blog. Thanks for visiting!

We use RightStart Math and I really like it. I started level A with my son when he was 4, and we just took longer to go through it. We are now on level B, which you can start without having completed A. Lots of hands-on activities, games, etc.. Less writing/workbook style lessons. It is teacher-intensive, but I think any math program would be at this age. I like the fact that it introduces concepts in different ways (auditory, visual, tactile...). Excellent, solid math program!